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Does Pegging Make You Gay?

Does Pegging Make You Gay?

Editorial Team |

Pegging is a couple’s activity when a woman performs anal penetration on the male partner with her hand, a dildo, or a strap-on. While some men find issues with the situation, the main thing is that plenty of people enjoy this sexual experience. When it comes to men and anal sex, the first thing that comes to mind is that they are gay, but is that so? The short answer is No, pegging does not make you gay, but let’s expand more on this.

Sexual Enjoyment Differs from Sexual Orientation

Most people love sex, and sexual stimulation gives an extraordinary sensation. The anus has a lot of nerve endings whose stimulation brings enjoyment to men and women. Men often want to perform anal sex to women. Still, some men more enthusiastic and have tried anal stimulation themselves; they say it is terrific, and they’re willing to try more.

The sex games between the partners can be organized or detailed in many ways, such as BDSM, for example, where one partner gives power to the other partner. The strap-on and harnesses used by a woman puts the woman in a masculine role and puts the man in a bit of an inferior position. However, pegging doesn’t make men gay.

Many men are scared to try pegging; they fear that if they like it, they may become gay: this is not true. Gay men feel differently in all aspects; they prefer men over women as partners in general, and it is not about sex and anal stimulation. Also, it involves deep psychological aspects that don't have any direct relation with sexual acts, including pegging.

When you ask gay men whether they like anal or oral sex, many say that they enjoy oral sex more, while straight men who tried anal sex performed on them say that they enjoyed it a lot.

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Pegging Is All About Sexual Gratification

Enthusiastic people try new and different ways of stimulation and enjoyment, and if something feels good, they can continue to do it and share their thoughts and experiences with others. When it comes to that, how someone thinks about men or women is the thing that makes them gay or straight and not the stimulation of some special place.

So, we can advise you to please don’t be shy and let yourself be open to trying new things. Don’t give yourself a label or make yourself into something you are not. If you like to explore your sexuality and the possibilities, there are many ways to do it.

Be open with your partner and try new stuff; you might enjoy it. For more information, you can check out our guides below and refer to our sex toy store, where we have an excellent selection of sex toys to fit anyone’s needs.

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